UNDERSTANDING A SIMPLE C++ PROGRAM #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "hello world" << endl; return 0; } ** This program above prints out "hello world" when it is compiled and executed. Iostream - Input Output stream Function: It declares a set of functions for the standard input output. It also defines I/O of cin,cout. Cout - A predefined object of Iostream class Std - A namespace which is used to group data to prevent name conflicts with others with the same name. Main() - A special function that is called when the program is compiled and run Return 0; - Returns the 0 value to previous function Std::cout - used to call the cout object in the namespace standard VARIABLES Variables are quantities that may change within the context of a mathematical problem or experiment. With this in mind, variables use single letter to represent it. The letters x, y, z are common letters used to represent variables. In other wo...